Annual special events provide an opportunity for our branch to raise funds for our Mission projects, recognize and celebrate successes, and enjoy fellowship.
Cover to Cover
Save the date for this highlight event! Multiple authors are featured as guest speakers at an elegant luncheon. Silent auction baskets and opportunity baskets help raise money for the our scholarship and Tech Trek programs. We sell Gift Cards and surprise Wine Bags. With this money the Poway Penasquitos Branch is able to send an average of (7) seventh grade girls to Tech Trek, and award about (3) $2,000 Re-entry Scholarship for Women scholarships to women who have decided to go back to college.
Community Youth Projects
Speech Trek, an annual speech contest, began in 2007 and is AAUW California’s signature high school program. The contest is open to students who are actively enrolled in high school (grades 9-12). The contests begin at the branch level. First place winners’ videos from each participating branch are then uploaded for judging. The top three contestants advance to the state finals and compete for cash awards.
Contestants prepare an original 5-6 minute speech on a mission-based topic. Examples of previous topics include: “Has the US lived up to its pledge of liberty and justice for all? Would requiring the study of diversity, equity, and inclusion in a high school setting help ensure liberty and justice for all?”; and “Has social media helped or hindered the breaking down of barriers for women and girls?”
Comments from past branch winners:
“AAUW…has strengthened my speaking abilities and inspired me to take on more challenges.” -Dominique Ruedaflores, 2019 Poway Penasquitos Branch, 1st Place, CA State Competition.
“The AAUW Poway Peñasquitos Branch has been so generous and open to hearing our stories and perspectives on their empowering speech topics…the experiences I’ve gained are invaluable and have helped me so much in college…” -Jay Wang, 2020 Poway Peñasquitos Branch, 1st Place, Branch competition
“Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share my speech with all of you. I really enjoyed the experience and I am sure to remember it for years to come. Again, thank you all!” -Kristine Sy, 2021 Poway Penasquitos Branch, 1st Place, CA State Competition
Tech Trek is an AAUW sponsored math/science camp designed to develop interest, excitement, and self-confidence in young women who will enter eighth grade in the fall. Each year we interview girls from three of the middle schools in the Poway Unified School District and choose six to sponsor for this exciting summer camp.
At Tech Trek, girls are assigned to a math or science core class, and spend a week learning about their field, doing hands-on experiments and working with other girls under the instruction of credentialed middle school teachers and women currently engaged professionally in math, science, or technology fields. For more information click on these links: AAUW Tech Trek AAUW
A letter received in 2017 from a 2010 Tech Trek camper we sent to UCSD:
Hi! I thought I would give you an update! [about me]
I am currently living in Santa Barbara doing research full time on the parthenogenesis of bordetella pertussis (whooping cough)! I am loving the hands-on experience. I have learned more in the past few weeks than I have in any lab class during the normal school year! This year I also made the switch from pre-med to pre-pharmacy and am currently studying to obtain my Pharmacy Technician Certification which will allow me to work as a Pharmaceutical Tech at a local pharmacy next semester!
I hope all is well and would love to hear from you!
A Tech Trek Camper!
Scholarship Projects
AAUW Funds
AAUW branches raise money to support the AAUW Funds which includes the Legal Advocacy Fund, the Educational Opportunities Fund, and the Public Policy Fund. For more information see the AAUW Fund Description.
Scholarship Fund
Our branch has available scholarship funds for women returning to college: Re-Entry Woman Scholarship. We encourage all women to continue to grow and challenge themselves academically. See the Re-entry Woman Scholarship page for more information.