
Upcoming June 2024 Affiliate Annual Meeting

You won’t want to miss our branch’s last meeting for the 2023-2024 fiscal year where our branch’s Speech Trek winner … and the state level 2nd place winner, Shree Patel, will deliver her prize winning speech for us; catch up on all the latest Tech Trek and Gov Trek news; and participate in the installation of our officers for the coming 2024-2025 fiscal year.

Please join us on Saturday, June 8, 2024 from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. at the RB Eastview Community Center; 17520 Drayton Hall Way. A light luncheon will be served.

Please RSVP to: aauwboard@gmail.com. This is a members-only meeting.

Reminder: We alternate meeting times between noon (11:00 am – 1:00 pm) and evening (6:30 pm – 8:00 pm) hours. All meetings will be held on the second Wednesday of the month, except for our first and last General Meeting of the year. Our meeting location is at Eastview RB Community Center at 17520 Drayton Hall Way, SD 92128, unless stated otherwise.

Tech Trek Update

Our 12 selected campers have now completed all their paperwork. The girls are excited about camp and are coming up with a lot of questions. We will soon host a gathering for all the girls with their parents so they can meet each other in person, and we can answer their questions. One of our previous campers has agreed to attend and give her perspective on camp. The new girls always like to hear from the previous campers!

If you have never seen the video that demonstrates the diversity of Tech Trek, watch it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ea3-wTzTZM8

All camps are dependent on our volunteers. Regardless of the amount of time you can volunteer, there are opportunities to help. Volunteers are as much role models as teachers and counselors. In the past, volunteers have been needed for registration and to cover a classroom session for the dorm moms to attend a staff meeting. This is such a fun way to observe a hands-on lesson! If you would like to be a daily volunteer, please respond directly to us with what days and times you are available and/or with any questions you may have ASAP. All daily volunteers need to be AAUW members for insurance purposes. Volunteers also need to complete the Volunteer Conduct Agreement form HERE.

If you want to be more involved than those duties above there are also more extensive roles, you can apply here: https://www.aauw-ca.org/tech-trek-volunteer/Please complete your application as soon as possible as positions are filling quickly. Assignments are in process and should be completed soon. Remember, if you are not available to volunteer for the in-person camp dates, consider volunteering at the virtual camp! It’s all online and you don’t even need to leave your home. Necessary materials will be mailed to you.

2024 Camps

UC San Diego: In-person June 23-28, 2024
Virtual: July 21-26, 2024

Please feel free to contact us if you’d like to learn more!

Tech Trek Alumnae Group

We met with Dr. Bridget Seegers, a scientist who focuses on Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) that threaten wildlife, ecosystem, and human health. She is the NASA lead on the Cyanobacteria Assessment Network (CyAN) project with the goal to validate a cyanobacteria algorithm for US inland waters. Although currently focused on freshwater, she is a research scientist in NASA’s Ocean Ecology Lab. Dr. Seegers is passionate about outreach and education.

At our April meeting, the young ladies enjoyed hearing about Dr. Seegers passion for her career, adventures in the field, and most recently her involvement with NASA’s Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, Ocean Ecosystem (PACE) satellite which was launched on February 8, 2024. PACE will help us better understand our ocean and atmosphere by measuring key variables associated with cloud formation, particles and pollutants in the air, and microscopic, floating marine life (phytoplankton)

Bridget brought a freshwater sample from the San Diego Bay and a digital microscope for the girls to make slides, view, and identify phytoplankton which was an amazing opportunity and so much fun!

In addition, the TTAG groups at AAUW La Mesa/East County and AAUW San Francisco continue to invite our campers to attend virtual events with the focus on Women in STEM.

*** We are always looking for more youthful, dynamic women in STEM careers to meet our alumni group. If you or someone you know is interested, please contact us.

Cover to Cover Authors Luncheon 2024. 

A huge thank you to the organizers and our visiting authors Tammy Leitner and T. Jefferson Parker, for presenting such a wonderful event. In a nod to the authors, the theme was, “Whodunnit Under The Sun?” Tammy, an investigative journalist, presented “Don’t Say A Thing”, a riveting account of her eight-year investigation into a serial criminal and his many victims. Jeff, a well-known mystery writer, presented his latest novel, “The Rescue”.


Follow-up Information to April’s General Meeting on Cybersecurity

During our April General Meeting, FBI Special Agent, Mary Stewart received several requests for additional information about cybersecurity. Attached are the two documents she provided.

Identity Theft and Cyber Crime Victim Resources
IC3 Filing Instructions

Member Interest Groups

Happy Healthy Hikers on the bridge walk near Balboa Park


Join Happy Healthy Hiker’s as they walk the boardwalk in Mission Bay on Jun 15th, then stay for brunch at World Famous Restaurant.  Join Travel Group for a lunch at Shiraz Persian Cuisine on Jun 21st in Rancho Bernardo. Bring a friend and sample wine with Grape Expectations at Espinsoa Vineyard in Escondido on Jun 29.  Or join one of our Book Clubs to discuss The Book of Charlie by David Von Drehle, Box 88 by Charles Cumming, and/or The Perfect predator by Steffanie Strathdee.

Great Decisions, is a world affairs policy discussion group assisted by reading material from the Foreign Policy Association, this month’s discussion: NATO’s Future.

We welcome potential members who would like to participate and visit a few of these activities. Please contact us if you are interested. You may reach us via email at aauwboard@gmail.com.


MEMBERSHIP MATTERS – Contact us to get involved!

“Our mission is to advance equity of women and girls through advocacy, education, philanthropy, and research”

Chartered in 1971, our branch has over 100 members residing in the Poway, Penasquitos and Inland North County communities.

It’s that time of year again to renew your membership.   By now you should have received your first notice from national since most of the memberships will expire June 30. You have until then to go to the AAUW website to renew by credit card. This year the membership dues are $115: $72 for National; $20 for CA; and $23 for our affiliate.

The first step is to log into the AAUW website. This year AAUW is requiring everyone to reset their passwords so you’ll have to enter your email address, then request to reset your password, which will be sent through your email account. Once you log in with your new password (remember to write it down and keep it for future use), click membership, and then renew national membership. Locating our affiliate is a bit tricky because they are listed by state, so look for the code CA0159 for Poway-Penasquitos. Once you check the branch, make sure you scroll down to the bottom and click submit. From there it will prompt you to the state, choose CA again, and scroll down to the bottom to submit. Then the process will take you to the payment page where you will enter your credit card info. Bingo, you are renewed for another year!

If you run into any problems, let us know. If you can’t pay on-line, you can send a check to our affiliate’s treasurer.  Thank you to those that have already renewed!

Anyone interested to Join Us , please follow the link or contact us at aauwboard@gmail.com. We are happy to invite you to join us at a few meetings and/or activities so you may see why you should Join Us.

Updated: 4 Jul 2024