AAUW Poway Penasquitos Calendar of Events
To view past calendar events, refer to the Adelante! Newsletter page where links to past and current newsletter issues may be found. If you would like to join an upcoming gathering or join their distribution list, please contact the group’s leader.
Apr 1st Happy Healthy Hikers Sat, 9:00 am
We will start at the Robinson Rose Visitor Center, 4002 Wallace, and walk to the Presidio at 9 am. TH carpool will meet at Yanni’s Bar and Grill carpool parking lot at 8:30 am. Please RSVP to Mary Alice so we know you are coming.
Group Leader: Mary Alice Rudelich, mary.rudelich@aol.com
Hikes are once a month ranging from east to moderate.
Apr 3rd Great Decisions Thur, 6:30 pm
Topic: US – China Relations
Hosted by Terry Humphrey, 13195 Bavarian Drive, Rancho Penasquitos. Please RSVP to Terry at thumphrey@palomar.edu if you are planning to come.
Group Leaders: Sally Jacobson, jacobs@san.rr.com, and Marie Dye, mdye@san.rr.com
Meets the first Thursday of every month at 6:30 p.m.
Apr 8th. Page Turners Tues, 1:30 pm
Book: Tom Lake, by Ann Patchett
Hosted by Honorine Nocon, 9587 Paseo Montril, Rancho Penasquitos. RSVP to Honorine at honorinenocon@gmail.com
Group Leader: Pam Ames, pamames123@gmail.com
We meet the second Tuesday of every month at a member’s home at 1:30 p.m.
Apr 9th. General Meeting Wed, 6:30 – 8:30 pm
Presentation: Leadership for the 21st Century
Speaker: Dr Vicki Halsey
At RB Eastview Community Center, 17520 Drayton Hall Way, Rancho Bernardo. RSVP to aauwboard@gmail.com
Group Leaders: Joie Nolasco, joienolasco@gmail.com, Karen McGurk, kmcgurkm@sbcglobal.net
Apr 11th. Grape Expectations Fri, Sat. 3:00 – 5:00 pm
Visit to Castelli & Pizarro Winery, 8220 Merge Ave, Rancho Penasquitos. (In the Merge 56 area.) Please RSVP to Janice at janiceheather@gmail.com
Group Leader: Janice Heather, janiceheather@gmail.com
They meet monthly for either wine or beer tasting.
Apr 23rd. Games Group Wed, 5:30 – 7:00 pm
Hosted by Areas Toukdarian, 8492 Florissant Ct, Rancho Penasquitos. Please RSVP to Aresa.
Group Leaders: Aresa Toukdarian, atoukdar@gmail.com and Harriet Gerza, harriet.gerza@gmail.com
Apr 24th. Thursday Book Group Thur, 6:30 pm
Book: Remarkably Bright Creatures, by Kristen Hannah.
Hosted by Lyn Johnston, 9330 Chabola Road, Poway. Please RSVP to Lyn at lynjohn@san.rr.com.
Group Leaders: Ann Morgan, annmmorgansd@yahoo.com; and Marilyn Scheininger, marilyn.scheininger@gmail.com
Apr 26th. Travel Group Sat, 11:30 am
Lunch at Tony’s Jacal, 621 Valley Ave, Solana Beach. Carpool meets at 11:00 am at the Freeport Park and Ride, 9941 Carmel Mountain Road (next to the 24 Hour Fitness. Please RSVP to Pam, if you plan to attend so we can reserve enough places!
Group Leader: Pam Ames, pamames123@gmail.com
We meet monthly at various local restaurants.
Apr 28th. Monday Mysteries Book Group Mon, _________
Book: Leaving Time, by Jodi Picoult
Hosted by Desiree Louis-Maubert, 17705 Devereux Road, Rancho Bernardo. Please RSVP to Desiree at louis.desiree@gmail.com.
Group Leader: Pam Meyer, pamela.me4@gmail.com
We meet the fourth Monday of every month.